===== Download===== Windows software: --------------------- System Require: win xp SP3, win7 win8, win10 **[[http://neje.club/download/driver.exe|DownLoad driver.exe]]** **[[http://neje.club/download/20190410/NEJE_V4.3_1004_EN.exe|DownLoad windows software NEJE_V4.3_1004_EN.exe]]** **[[http://neje.club/download/20190410/N_Scanner_V1.0_EN.apk|DownLoad N-Scanner V1.0_EN.apk]]** ( only supports Android phone ,work with windows software) {{http://neje.club/download/20190410/android_scanner_en.png}} If your operating system does not have the Microsoft 4.0 environment installed, you need to reinstall the operating environment. If the software can be opened directly, you can ignore it: **[[http://neje.club/download/dotnet4.0.exe|DownLoad .net framework4.0.exe]]** Android APP Install ------------------------- Attention:Before opening the software, please start the machine's power and top switch System Requirements:(android 4.0 above, Bluetooth 4.0 support) Step1: Scan QR code or click install the app by your android phone or android pad. **[[http://neje.club/download/20190410/neje_android_app.apk|DownLoad neje_android_app.apk]]** {{http://neje.club/download/20190410/android_app_download.png}} Step2: Turn on Bluetooth in the phone settings. Attention:The phone settings just make sure that the phone's Bluetooth function is turned on and that the connection to the machine is in the app interface. Step3: open the app. Attention:Before opening the app, please start the machine's power and top switch, Make sure the machine is on. IOS APP Install ---------------------------- Attention:Before opening the software, please start the machine's power and top switch System Requirements:(iOS 11.3.1 above, Bluetooth 4.0 support) Step1: Scan QR code or click install the app by your iphone or itouch. **[[https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/neje-printer/id1147707921?mt=8|DownLoad ios APP]]** {{http://neje.club/download/20190410/ios_app_download.png}} Step2: Turn on Bluetooth in the phone settings. Attention:The phone settings just make sure that the phone's Bluetooth function is turned on and that the connection to the machine is in the app interface. Step3: open the app. Attention:Before opening the app, please start the machine's power and top switch, Make sure the machine is on.